Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Getting Car Insurance For Young Drivers

If you're young and recently applied for car Insurance it most likely costs more than your car. No matter how hard you try, it seems impossible to cut the cost down. That's where we come in, allow us to give you a quote and see how much you can actually save.

According to a specialist, car Insurance for young drivers is the biggest hindrance for them getting on the road. While according to a survey made by the company, 90% of young motorists say that car insurance is so expensive that it presents a substantial barrier to them from becoming active drivers. Second most major complication to this according to them is the cost of buying a car.

Providing an assessment to finding cheap quotes, we recommend that younger motorists look around for the best deal possible, compare a quote then buy a car that falls within the cheapest motor insurance group: insurance band one.

News of a survey which revealed that 40% of parents are guilty of "fronting", where they claim to be the main driver on a policy hiding the main driver which is in fact a younger person. This illegal practice is committed by the parents to reduce the cost of car insurance for young drivers.

Driving lessons cost a fortune, in as much the theory and practical driving tests aren't cheap as well. But then, you have the initial amount for a car and all the added costs of getting on the road including car insurance for the new drivers.

So, the question now is how can you get a cheap young driver car insurance? Here are some extra tips that will help shave pounds off the cost of your motor policy.

After passing your test for driver's license, drive a car with a small engine, or in the lowest insurance group.

Avoid being in your parents' insurance policy, it'll prevent you from building your own no-claim bonus.

If you are the registered owner of the car, DO NOT insure it in your parents name. This is called "fronting" and in the event of an accident it could mean that the claim isn't paid.

Lastly, take part in the Pass Plus scheme. It is a certificate signifying that you've passed the standard driving tests. By achieving Pass Plus you can earn as much as 35% discount of insurance.

Joe would like to invite you to visit his website as he provides you with great resource for cheap car insurance as well as getting instant car insurance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Then

Car Insurance For Young Drivers - How to Decrease the Cost of a Premium

Can You Find Affordable Car Insurance for Young Drivers?

One of the only things that is tougher than getting a teen or young adult trained to be a good driver, is to get them insured at an affordable price. Insurers see teens and young adults as high risk drivers, and young males are even judged more harshly than young females. This is not an arbitrary judgement, but it is a judgement that insurance underwriters reach after keeping years of statistics on the amount of claims that are made because of younger drivers. As a group, drivers under 25, just tend to be a higher risk group. So insurers may charge more to insure them.

Teens and Young Adults Have Strengths Too

A younger driver does not have to be a bad driver. Think about the strengths that teens have over their middle aged parents. It is likely that their reaction times and eyesight are better. All they lack, really, is experience in real world driving situations. They may also tend to lack a bit of caution Because of this, more teens are bound to make mistakes than older and more mature and experienced drivers.

Discounts for Young Adult and Teen Drivers

Here are some things a younger driver can do to make up for a lack of experience and maturity.

  • Drivers Education Classes - These classes combine classroom an vehicle training from a qualified teacher. They should also include sessions on alcohol and drug awareness. They do help, and since insurers recognize this, many companies offer auto insurance discounts for students who complete a drivers education class.
  • Good Grades At School - Since your young.driver lacks any driving history of their own, they may demonstrate responsibility in another way. Some insurers offer a discount for students with a B average or better. The statistics on accidents that these companies keep show that students with better grades tend to show more responsibility about other things too.
  • Keep Up A Good Driving Record - As time passes, and a younger driver simply goes without an accident or traffic violation, rates will drop.

Family Discounts That Help Find Lower Rates for Younger Drivers

Of course, it is probably easiest to get better rates by including the younger driver on the family auto policy. Discounts that the whole family gets will help keep rates more affordable. Many insurers offer discounts that will apply to everybody on a family policy.

  • Multiple Policy Discounts - Many insurers offer a discount for multiple vehicles or drivers. In addition, insurance companies that offer home and car insurance will often offer a discount for different lines of business.
  • Safety Discounts - Premiums are also set by the type of vehicle. Some are just considered safer than others. Insurers even consider factors like how likely a specific model of car is to get stolen. Auto safety and anti-theft devices are also common. If you are shoppng for a new vehicle these are things to consider. If you have a car already, you may want to see if you can install an anti-theft device to bring rates down and make that car more secure.

Liability Only Auto Insurance

One solution to very high premiums may be to purchase an older vehicle. If you can pay cash for the car, you can just buy liability insurance. If you owe money to a lender, that lender will probably force you to purchase collision and comprehensive insurance too. Sometimes they even require GAP insurance, and this is an extra expense. This solution does not work out for everybody, but it is something to consider.

Find The Best Car Insurance Rates for Young Drivers

It can take forever to call around for the best rates and policies for your family. We make it simple to compare insurance quotes with our online competitive quote forms!

Learn more: Under 25 Auto Insurance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marilyn_Katz

Finding Cheap Insurance For Young Drivers

Drivers between the ages of 16-25 have the toughest time finding affordable car insurance. In particular teenagers have some of the highest rates for car insurance because they're viewed as a high risk group by the insurance companies because of their inexperience behind the wheel. Their lack of experience and poor judgment make them more accident prone than other age groups, and the insurance companies know this.

There are ways you can lower you premiums if you're a young driver though. A lot of insurance companies will give discounts to students with good grade point averages. This is because students with higher GPAs tend to be more responsible, and more responsible means less likely to get into an accident.

In addition, students can lower the cost of their insurance by choosing what kind of car they're going to drive. If you're buying a car stay away from newer models and go for something older. You should get a car that has done well in crash tests and is less likely to be targeted by car thieves. All these factors affect how much car insurance companies have to shell out and in turn affect your premiums.

If you're driving an older car you should consider either raising your deductible or dropping comprehensive coverage all together if you're car isn't worth all that much. You can just stick with liability coverage so you will be covered if you cause damage to another car, but your own car won't be covered for any damage it takes. This is common with cars that have little value.

If you follow these tips you should be able to find cheap car insurance, no matter what your age is.

Brandon owns a website about young drivers insurance where visitors can get an auto insurance quote or learn more about reducing insurance costs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_D_Rowe

Teen Car Accident Statistics Influence Young Driver's Insurance Premiums

Many teenagers around the country get quite a shock the first time they ask for an insurance quote for their car. It seems like they are just an electronic agreement away from driving their own car when they get hit with a bill that is several times as high as for a person over 25. Young drivers might feel this is unfair, but if you look at teen car accident statistics you will see a picture that explains the high insurance premium costs.

You don't even have to be a world class statistician to understand what the numbers say; teenagers wind up in a lot more accidents than older people. Each and every year over 5000 kids in their teens die on the road. Many of these deaths can be accounted to irresponsible driving, like driving too fast, driving without a seatbelt to begin with, or accidents caused by distraction from friends riding along in the back seat. The risk is so big, actually, that it is twice as likely for a teenager to have an accident as a person over 25. These numbers don't simply don't lie.

When a insurance agent is doing a risk assessment of you as a driver, these are the statistics that will be fed in to the equation. More risk of having an accident means that you have to pay a higher premium to cover your end of the bargain. So how can you counter these risk indicators? By showing you are a safe and responsible driver.

Many insurance companies these days look at your grades to assess if you are a responsible person. Remember, those that do well at school usually work hard, make sacrifices, and make responsible decisions in their life. This usually translates to the road, meaning teenagers with good grades statistically wind up in fewer accidents. Insurance companies also look at the car you own. Is this a car that is build to drive fast? If so, expect to pay a much higher premium for insurance.

With over 400.000 teen car accidents expected for 2010, there is no wonder why it takes some effort to differentiate yourself in the eyes of the insurance companies. For more information about cheap car insurance for teenagers, visit http://www.cheapcarinsuranceforteenagers.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Viktoria_Samson

Young Drivers Insurance - Nine Guidelines to Help You Reduce Rates

Facts concerning teen drivers are not great. Based on the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, sixteen year olds end up in crashes nearly 6 times more as compared to motorists in between 30 and 59. No surprise young drivers insurance monthly premiums tend to be higher with this age bracket.

Nevertheless, not every car insurance policy takes the exact same poor view of younger motorists. Many discount rates can be found that will help you reduce expenses. Keep in mind, the larger the risk, the more expensive the price for insurance coverage.

Listed here are ten tips and hints that will reduce monthly premiums and also keep the teen's license totally free of violations:

1. Help your child understand laws and regulations and also adhere to all of them. Undoubtedly, the simplest way to reduce auto insurance prices is to maintain a clean driving record.

2. Lead by example. Do you ever go over the speed limit or tail gate? Do you yell at other people when you are driving? If one does this stuff, how could you assume your kids will behave in another way?

3. Place your teen in your insurance plan. Instead of establishing a completely independent plan, put all of them on your own car insurance coverage as a supplemental driver. That way, all of the discount rates placed on your own coverage are going to be forwarded to them.

4. Compensate your kid for good grades. Find out precisely how much you save if the teen receives an excellent GPA. Typically, possessing a 3 or larger GPA may lower your auto insurance premium by 10%.

5. Enlist your teen in a new driver training program. Discount insurance rates are offered for teenagers taking acknowledged driving courses. However contact your vehicle insurance provider to learn which classes are included before you send them.

6. Stay clear of sports cars. Having your teen drive a safe car, using the newest safety equipment, can decrease your rates. Besides you going to cut costs and also the temptation for fast driving is going to be less.

7. Manage to get their support. Do not presume that the teen desires to clean your wallet of all your money. Question them with regard to reducing expenses and also explain that you'll share with the savings. Let them know just how much auto insurance costs and also demonstrate to them exactly how this works into the household budget.

8. Speak with your children regarding drugs and alcoholic beverages. This can be a difficult subject to bring up with teens who believe they've got everything in check. However the consequences of expressing absolutely nothing could be devastating.

9. Drive together with your teen. Your teen was a safe and sound driver this past year when she or he obtained the license. However what has occurred since that time? Permit them to drive with you as you settle-back and relax inside the passenger seat. Should you observe them executing a something that breaks the law or perhaps appears hazardous, point this out to your teen in a diplomatic way. When they are carrying out good driving habits, compliment them for his or her efforts.

Should you stick to the previously mentioned recommendations, you will discover that you will survive with your entire mental faculty through their adolescent years - without having to pay a massive amount of money for young drivers insurance. You just need cohesiveness and also understanding coming from each side of the generation gap.

John has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in home improvement, you can also check out his latest website on buying you children their first first car insurance and finding young drivers insurance for your teenager.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_B_Keene

Cheapest Young Drivers Insurance - 4 Ways to Help Reduce Car Insurance Costs to the Barest Minimum

As a young driver, your car insurance costs are expected to be higher than the average for other drivers. However, you can actually reduce these costs to the barest minimum.

1. Search and compare options.

You see, just like any other market, the auto insurance industry has many companies contending with each other just to please you (the customer). That means, you can sit back, and calmly make your choice. So, take some time to shop around till you find the most reasonable price quotes for you. Search on the internet. You can shortlist price quotes from 5 different auto insurance companies and then compare the services of the companies before making your final choice.

2. Drive safely and avoid violating traffic regulations.

Auto insurance premiums for young drivers are already higher because young drivers are generally regarded as less safety conscious. You don't want to make things worse by actually "confirming the fears" of your insurance company. On the contrary, you actually get driver discounts for having a consistent record of safe driving.

3. If you have not bought your car, compare insurance cost options before buying.

The logic here is simple. When you buy insurance, you want to be protected by the insurance company from potential risks and damages. Therefore, if your car has a high potential for risks and damages, then, logically, your premium goes up. So, for examples, an expensive, "limited edition", latest model SUV will cost far more to insure than a simpler or smaller "not so latest model" car. Now, that may be using extreme examples, but, such fine details influence the premium. If your car is more likely to be stolen, then the premium goes up accordingly. Whereas, anti-theft devices like car alarms or tracking devices will translate to lower insurance costs.

Therefore, why don't you call in on prospective auto insurance companies, and discuss your car choices with them? They will help you reduce the insurance cost upfront.

4. Consider offering to raise your deductible.

What is a deductible? In the event of a misfortune, say a road traffic accident, you will be required to pay a certain amount which will be deducted from your claim. Here is an example to simplify this: say you were involved in an accident and the total damage claim amounted to $1000, if your auto insurance policy has a deductible of $100, it simply means, to cover that $1000 claim, you will pay $100 and your insurance company will pay the remaining $900. Choosing higher deductibles help reduce auto insurance premiums. Note however, that before selecting a higher deductible, you should be sure you have enough savings to pay for it in the event that you actually do have a claim.

If you want to learn more about how young drivers can get the cheapest car insurance possible for them, then go now to carinsurance-4-youngdrivers.com to find out more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Klin

The Cheapest Young Driver Insurance

If you have a teenager at home who is about ready to drive, finding cheap young driver insurance can be a new challenge. Often parents find themselves in a personal debate as to where and how to insure their young driver.

Shopping around is the best way to know if you are getting the right price and insurance for you and your family. Comparing the quotes and learning how to keep costs down is what will help you and your teen choose what is best. Finding a company is simple. It is deciding whether you want to add your teen onto your policy or do you want to get them their own. Parents want to know the options so they can decide what is best for their family.

Adding to the Existing Policy

Often parents already have a well established insurance policy for their car. Adding young driver insurance to the plan may be just what some families prefer. If you have one teen and no added vehicles, you may just want to add your child to the existing insurance plan. This will allow you to keep your premium low.

Due to the fact that your driver is inexperienced, you can expect that our premium will go up. Since you have been an existing policy holder for a while you may see that it is not as bad as if you added a whole new plan. There are also ways to keep the premiums lower. A student with honors usually gets a discounted rate, as well as those young drivers that have finished driver's education classes.

Getting a New Policy

Often parents decide that a new young driver insurance policy in their child's own name is more beneficial to them. If your child has their own vehicle and you would like them to not be linked to your plan in good standing, then having them get their own policy is the next best thing.

Having your young driver get a policy that covers them and is their responsibility can be the best thing for many teens. It also can be best if you do not want your personal policy to increase in monthly rate. This will mean that if your child gets in an accident at any time, your policy is not affected ever. This is a major concern for many parents. It is easier to restrict driving and terminate the new policy than it does to put an existing policy back in good standing without suffering a higher premium for a short or long duration.

Young driver insurance does not have to be expensive. The same discounts apply to those with their own policy as do teens that are added to an existing policy. Keeping grades up and finishing a driving course will keep premiums low. Be sure to always be careful as you will see a huge spike in cost if you get tickets, violations, or in an accident.

Julia Brown writes insurance related articles for the Good Insurance Online website atwww.goodinsuranceonline.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julia_M_Brown

Best Ways to Reduce the Young Drivers Car Insurance Premiums

For insurers, the young drivers are the customers who present the highest risk. As the same time, they are the least profitable, because the young drivers are imposed surcharges, a very important thing when purchasing their insurance policy, which can be a blow to the student budget. So what are the methods to get young drivers car insurance premiums for a vehicle without paying a high price which may get as high as $2500 per year?

When you are a student, you are certainly not rolling in money... Yet the insurance companies continue to increase their offers for "young drivers". For any driver, the owner driver's license for less than three year and the contribution of the insurance contract may be overtaxed and achieve an increase of over 100%. The bonus-malus coefficient calculated from the revaluation of contributions directly affects the premium paid for the contract next year.

The risk of accident is not the same for everyone and it is this index that determines the price of the contract signed. A large number of data come into play: a small cylinder or powerful sedan, a novice or an experienced driver, running in rural or urban area, or a bonus or a penalty...

The color of the vehicle also comes into play: insurers have even calculated that a gray car has statistically fewer accidents than those whose painting is alive. For those seeking young drivers car insurance, pay attention: a red car can cost you a surcharge of 5 or 10%!

The cost of car insurance is therefore based on an average assessment of risks to the driver. As a result, the premium payable by the insured person who is considered "at risk" will be increased. The young people are most concerned, because statistically the younger drivers are more at risk than other drivers, inexperience or unconscious behaviors related to the speed and willingness to take risks, are parameters that result in a higher risk of loss.

Indeed, only 9% of the population, the age group 18-24 years shows approximately 22% of fatal road accidents. In view of these statistics, it seems justified to force young drivers to pay a premium for insurance. It is true that auto insurance is a significant investment for a young person.

It is always a good idea to shop around for the young drivers car insurance premiums. The majority of insurance companies have their own websites and there are plenty of comparison tools you can try online. You can thus compare some of the best insurance quotes you can get and choose the company and the plan that best suits your needs for young drivers car insurance premium. You can also take a safety drive course to decrease the risk factor and show the car insurance company you are committed to safe driving.

As you can see, there are many things you can take into account to reduce the young drivers car insurance premiums and if you follow the above tips, you will save money on your car insurance.

For more information on young drivers car insurance premiums and for better guidance on this topic, visit our website NOW!!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=River_C.

Cheap Young Driver Insurance - Easy With a Free Car Insurance Quote

Cheap young driver insurance is possible. However, you should realize that as a new and young driver will have to pay more than older more experienced drivers. Nevertheless, there are many things you can do to help you to pay as little as possible for coverage.

Many people wants to learn how to drive and to have their own car that's why many people go to driving school to get a driver's license especially young drivers. When your children turn 18 they wanted to have their own driver's license. So you send them to driving school and when they have their license the next big step to take is to get drivers insurance so they will be allowed to drive around your town.

But most insurance gives higher premiums on young and new drivers in their insurance that makes it really expensive for most of the families who have young drivers. That's why most of them don't get drivers insurance, but there are some who are patient enough to find cheap young driver insurance. You can look on the internet or in your local state insurance companies for affordable car insurance for young and inexperienced drivers.

The reason why insurance companies' gives high premium on young driver's insurance is because young drivers are presumed to be prone to accidents for statistic shows that they are more aggressive than experience drivers. Here are some tips for you in how to find cheap new driver insurance.

Having drivers insurance is very important especially for young drivers since they don't have any experience on the road yet they are prone to be in an accident. Having drivers insurance protects you in case an unexpected accident happens on the road.

You have to do some research first and gain some knowledge about the importance of having drivers insurance. You should also know the necessary and important things that will be off help to you when problem comes.

Decide where you want to search for a cheap young driver insurance, do you prefer to search in your local state of in the internet. It would take time and effort if you decide to search in your local state by calling the insurance companies or by going to their establishments and getting some insurance quotes. If you decide to search on the net then you would save some time and effort for you need to go out of your house you just need to sit in front of your computer and let your fingers do the searching for you.

Since the reason why insurance companies give high premium rate for new drivers is because they don't trust the driving skills of these drivers and they believe young and inexperienced drivers are prone to get caught in an accident on the road then there are also some ways on how to lower your rate.

One of these ways are letting young drivers take some safety driving lessons or driving rules program in this lessons they will be taught on how to drive safely on the road and teach you to protect yourself from being one of the casualties.

Accidents could happened anytime and at any day they don't give you any warning on when they would happened that is why it is better to prepare yourself from the unexpected future on the road.

To begin saving on money you will have to get some young driver insurance quotes. The good news is that you can find free instant car insurance quotes on many different websites. That's why it is always a good idea to get several before purchasing any policy.

For more on this or to get quotes see Gordon Smith's website or just click on the links above.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gordon_H._Smith

Looking For Young Drivers Insurance? Let Us Find Cheap Young Drivers Car Insurance!

Are you looking to find young drivers insurance? You most likely want to find the cheapest auto insurance. Here, you will discover some methods to find a car insurance deal. So, don't get car insurance, before reading this short article!

There are many different options, when you are looking for young drivers insurance. With so many different insurers, you can find different quotes.

This allows you to save, and get the best.

So, how do you find them?

This can be done through a number of methods, but remember, that you are looking to find a good range of options, so getting first car insurance will benefit more from this, as you find all different prices.

Some of the prices will be better than others, and it is important to note that some of these insurers will actually have specialist options for young drivers insurance, and others insure everyone, however, they may have better prices. Again, research will bring out this information.

With so many options, research is going to be essential, but you can find cheap young drivers insurance.

So, how do we do this?

There are a few methods that you can follow.

Auto magazines are a great option, as it allows you to find many different options. Generally the advertisers will advertise through these methods, and this can make it a great place to find a few options.

Another method, is to look through the billboards around town. Often the best car insurance deal can be found through this method.

Another place to look through, is the internet, where you really can find some of the best and cheapest auto insurance options to get the insurance that you need.

There are a lot of web sites online that can help. Going through online, I had a great help from a few web sites.

If you want the best quotes for free, a great source to visit was these links. Go to young driver insurance and cheap car insurance to find the best quote available to you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Reddingworth

Young Drivers Insurance Guide

Young Driver Insurance is expensive, there is no doubt. By statistics teenage car drivers are getting into more accidents than experienced drivers. There is no miracle because youngsters aren't experienced. It's stated that it takes just about a decade till a driver will actually learn to drive. Likewise, teenagers are more adventuresome than older people. These 2 aspects is the cause for the costlier young driver insurance. All The Same, there are ways for younger drivers to pull down the costs and preserve the insurance rates smaller.

Rates are especially high for drivers aged between 16 to 24 but there nonetheless are rough-and-ready ways how to trim down the insurance policy costs. The essence calculating the insurance rates are quite identical for the majority of firms, although there are a few less noticed details that are making some companies pricier than others. But having learnt all the right angles, it is accomplishable to play around with some facts. Besides, there are ways of making the insurance companies fighting for you and thus them bring down their rates, how to get several quotes from top firms really quickly and so forth.

You might wonder: Why are the insurance prices so different for different individuals? The answer is not simple, but generally said, there are complex calculations that insurance companies use to calculate risk factors for clients. And Then, the rating factor is multiplied to the insurance package's base rate. So, if your general insurance package costs $100 and your factor is 1.4, you will be paying hundred and forty, whereas your friend might have a risk factor of 1.1, so paying only hundred and ten dollars.

What could be the things that affect the "risk factor"? Well, there are various reasons. Your location is the first very significant aspect. Both, your home state and your locality. Secondly age. As all know young drivers insurance costs lots more. Rates start coming down down when the driver turns 25. For young drivers gender is also noteworthy aspect when calculating the price. And believe it or not - marital status plays an outstanding role also. Driving history, without a doubt plays another big role. Your credit history as well.Last, but not least, the car you own controls a great deal in the rate that is calculated for you.

There are lots of things one can do for reducing the insurance premiums. Thus, the young driver insurance does not inevitably have to be so costly. But you have to understand the right things.

More? Discover what to do for getting low rates by visiting Young Driver Insurance Help website

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marius_R