Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Cheapest Young Driver Insurance

If you have a teenager at home who is about ready to drive, finding cheap young driver insurance can be a new challenge. Often parents find themselves in a personal debate as to where and how to insure their young driver.

Shopping around is the best way to know if you are getting the right price and insurance for you and your family. Comparing the quotes and learning how to keep costs down is what will help you and your teen choose what is best. Finding a company is simple. It is deciding whether you want to add your teen onto your policy or do you want to get them their own. Parents want to know the options so they can decide what is best for their family.

Adding to the Existing Policy

Often parents already have a well established insurance policy for their car. Adding young driver insurance to the plan may be just what some families prefer. If you have one teen and no added vehicles, you may just want to add your child to the existing insurance plan. This will allow you to keep your premium low.

Due to the fact that your driver is inexperienced, you can expect that our premium will go up. Since you have been an existing policy holder for a while you may see that it is not as bad as if you added a whole new plan. There are also ways to keep the premiums lower. A student with honors usually gets a discounted rate, as well as those young drivers that have finished driver's education classes.

Getting a New Policy

Often parents decide that a new young driver insurance policy in their child's own name is more beneficial to them. If your child has their own vehicle and you would like them to not be linked to your plan in good standing, then having them get their own policy is the next best thing.

Having your young driver get a policy that covers them and is their responsibility can be the best thing for many teens. It also can be best if you do not want your personal policy to increase in monthly rate. This will mean that if your child gets in an accident at any time, your policy is not affected ever. This is a major concern for many parents. It is easier to restrict driving and terminate the new policy than it does to put an existing policy back in good standing without suffering a higher premium for a short or long duration.

Young driver insurance does not have to be expensive. The same discounts apply to those with their own policy as do teens that are added to an existing policy. Keeping grades up and finishing a driving course will keep premiums low. Be sure to always be careful as you will see a huge spike in cost if you get tickets, violations, or in an accident.

Julia Brown writes insurance related articles for the Good Insurance Online website atwww.goodinsuranceonline.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julia_M_Brown

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