Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Teen Car Accident Statistics Influence Young Driver's Insurance Premiums

Many teenagers around the country get quite a shock the first time they ask for an insurance quote for their car. It seems like they are just an electronic agreement away from driving their own car when they get hit with a bill that is several times as high as for a person over 25. Young drivers might feel this is unfair, but if you look at teen car accident statistics you will see a picture that explains the high insurance premium costs.

You don't even have to be a world class statistician to understand what the numbers say; teenagers wind up in a lot more accidents than older people. Each and every year over 5000 kids in their teens die on the road. Many of these deaths can be accounted to irresponsible driving, like driving too fast, driving without a seatbelt to begin with, or accidents caused by distraction from friends riding along in the back seat. The risk is so big, actually, that it is twice as likely for a teenager to have an accident as a person over 25. These numbers don't simply don't lie.

When a insurance agent is doing a risk assessment of you as a driver, these are the statistics that will be fed in to the equation. More risk of having an accident means that you have to pay a higher premium to cover your end of the bargain. So how can you counter these risk indicators? By showing you are a safe and responsible driver.

Many insurance companies these days look at your grades to assess if you are a responsible person. Remember, those that do well at school usually work hard, make sacrifices, and make responsible decisions in their life. This usually translates to the road, meaning teenagers with good grades statistically wind up in fewer accidents. Insurance companies also look at the car you own. Is this a car that is build to drive fast? If so, expect to pay a much higher premium for insurance.

With over 400.000 teen car accidents expected for 2010, there is no wonder why it takes some effort to differentiate yourself in the eyes of the insurance companies. For more information about cheap car insurance for teenagers, visit http://www.cheapcarinsuranceforteenagers.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Viktoria_Samson

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