Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Getting Car Insurance For Young Drivers

If you're young and recently applied for car Insurance it most likely costs more than your car. No matter how hard you try, it seems impossible to cut the cost down. That's where we come in, allow us to give you a quote and see how much you can actually save.

According to a specialist, car Insurance for young drivers is the biggest hindrance for them getting on the road. While according to a survey made by the company, 90% of young motorists say that car insurance is so expensive that it presents a substantial barrier to them from becoming active drivers. Second most major complication to this according to them is the cost of buying a car.

Providing an assessment to finding cheap quotes, we recommend that younger motorists look around for the best deal possible, compare a quote then buy a car that falls within the cheapest motor insurance group: insurance band one.

News of a survey which revealed that 40% of parents are guilty of "fronting", where they claim to be the main driver on a policy hiding the main driver which is in fact a younger person. This illegal practice is committed by the parents to reduce the cost of car insurance for young drivers.

Driving lessons cost a fortune, in as much the theory and practical driving tests aren't cheap as well. But then, you have the initial amount for a car and all the added costs of getting on the road including car insurance for the new drivers.

So, the question now is how can you get a cheap young driver car insurance? Here are some extra tips that will help shave pounds off the cost of your motor policy.

After passing your test for driver's license, drive a car with a small engine, or in the lowest insurance group.

Avoid being in your parents' insurance policy, it'll prevent you from building your own no-claim bonus.

If you are the registered owner of the car, DO NOT insure it in your parents name. This is called "fronting" and in the event of an accident it could mean that the claim isn't paid.

Lastly, take part in the Pass Plus scheme. It is a certificate signifying that you've passed the standard driving tests. By achieving Pass Plus you can earn as much as 35% discount of insurance.

Joe would like to invite you to visit his website as he provides you with great resource for cheap car insurance as well as getting instant car insurance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Then

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