Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cheapest Young Drivers Insurance - 4 Ways to Help Reduce Car Insurance Costs to the Barest Minimum

As a young driver, your car insurance costs are expected to be higher than the average for other drivers. However, you can actually reduce these costs to the barest minimum.

1. Search and compare options.

You see, just like any other market, the auto insurance industry has many companies contending with each other just to please you (the customer). That means, you can sit back, and calmly make your choice. So, take some time to shop around till you find the most reasonable price quotes for you. Search on the internet. You can shortlist price quotes from 5 different auto insurance companies and then compare the services of the companies before making your final choice.

2. Drive safely and avoid violating traffic regulations.

Auto insurance premiums for young drivers are already higher because young drivers are generally regarded as less safety conscious. You don't want to make things worse by actually "confirming the fears" of your insurance company. On the contrary, you actually get driver discounts for having a consistent record of safe driving.

3. If you have not bought your car, compare insurance cost options before buying.

The logic here is simple. When you buy insurance, you want to be protected by the insurance company from potential risks and damages. Therefore, if your car has a high potential for risks and damages, then, logically, your premium goes up. So, for examples, an expensive, "limited edition", latest model SUV will cost far more to insure than a simpler or smaller "not so latest model" car. Now, that may be using extreme examples, but, such fine details influence the premium. If your car is more likely to be stolen, then the premium goes up accordingly. Whereas, anti-theft devices like car alarms or tracking devices will translate to lower insurance costs.

Therefore, why don't you call in on prospective auto insurance companies, and discuss your car choices with them? They will help you reduce the insurance cost upfront.

4. Consider offering to raise your deductible.

What is a deductible? In the event of a misfortune, say a road traffic accident, you will be required to pay a certain amount which will be deducted from your claim. Here is an example to simplify this: say you were involved in an accident and the total damage claim amounted to $1000, if your auto insurance policy has a deductible of $100, it simply means, to cover that $1000 claim, you will pay $100 and your insurance company will pay the remaining $900. Choosing higher deductibles help reduce auto insurance premiums. Note however, that before selecting a higher deductible, you should be sure you have enough savings to pay for it in the event that you actually do have a claim.

If you want to learn more about how young drivers can get the cheapest car insurance possible for them, then go now to carinsurance-4-youngdrivers.com to find out more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Klin

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